Back Pain Treatments

Dr. Becky Bruno, Dr. Linda Lombardo, and Dr. Meagan Vecino are your trusted team at Lombardo Chiropractic Clinic. They offer a range of treatment options for spinal health and back pain in Ormond Beach, FL.

What Are Common Causes of Back Pain?

Back pain is an issue many Americans will face at some point in their life. The reasons why this pain happens vary. Some people may suffer an injury from an accident or fall. Some people may lift heavy items improperly and strain the lower back. A job that involves repetitive movements can cause tissues to break down or become displaced. Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are chronic illnesses characterized by damage to the cartilage and bones in your back, and age or heredity can weaken discs. 

This pain isn't always from problems in the bones of the spinal column, but could be due to soft tissue damage. Soft tissue problems in the back area can create muscle spasms, tension, and scar tissue. There are also some people who are born with or develop structural problems like excessive spinal curvature. A curved spine affects posture and the balance of muscles.

If someone has chronic back pain, they may automatically assume surgery is the only option. However, under the guidance of an experienced chiropractor, you may benefit from non-invasive treatment that can heal your condition without going under the knife.

How Can Lombardo Chiropractic Clinic Help You?

This caring team has many treatments to help relieve your back pain in Ormond Beach, FL. For patients of all ages, they can use an activator, a handheld device that delivers quick and direct pulses to adjust the spinal column. Keeping the spine aligned helps prevent nerve compression, which can create pain, numbness, and tingling. You can also benefit from their chiropractic massage to loosen up tense muscles. Cold laser therapy on your back helps regenerate new cells and promotes healing. And during electrical muscle stimulation, mild pulses go through your back muscles and stop painful spasms. 

If you qualify for spinal decompression, your spine will be stretched while you are harnessed to a computerized table. During the process, your spine can straighten out while creating space between each vertebrae. Any herniated or bulging discs will be pulled back into place. This treatment alleviates pressure on nerves from damaged discs and allows them to return to their normal function as shock absorbers.

When you visit Dr. Bruno, Dr. Lombardo, and Dr. Vecino at Lombardo Chiropractic Clinic in Ormond Beach, FL, you are under the care of trusted and experienced chiropractors who can help your back pain heal. To learn more about our various treatments and schedule an appointment, call us at 386-673-0400.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 6:30 pm


3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:30 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:30 pm





8:00 am - 6:30 pm
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:30 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:30 pm